Original Band Photo of Doubting Thomas. From left to right: Tommy Giovarelli, Bryn Duffield, Jordan Lupini, and Mark Yanish
                                 Photo by Scott Church

Original Band Photo of Doubting Thomas. From left to right: Tommy Giovarelli, Bryn Duffield, Jordan Lupini, and Mark Yanish

Photo by Scott Church

<p>Listen to Doubting Thomas on 97.9X’s Locals Only show on Sundays with Lazy E.</p>

Listen to Doubting Thomas on 97.9X’s Locals Only show on Sundays with Lazy E.

<p>Doubting Thomas is a Pennsylvania-based modern rock band with a new album coming out in 2023.</p>

Doubting Thomas is a Pennsylvania-based modern rock band with a new album coming out in 2023.

The two main components of PA-based modern rock band, Doubting Thomas, are their mastery of original music and live performance. They pride themselves on powerful, catchy songs with a killer rhythm. Their outstanding vocals and gripping guitar set them apart from crowd and you can hear it all on their upcoming album, “Enemies by Monday.”

“A manager once told me, “A good song is a good song,” and we write GOOD SONGS,” said Thomas Giovarelli, bassist and founding member of Doubting Thomas. “We are fortunate that the fans know our songs and enjoy singing with us and becoming part of the show.”

Doubting Thomas’s members have been playing music their whole lives, so the stage is where they feel the most comfortable. Performing for an audience is the most natural place for them to be…and it shows whenever they’re together.

“People wouldn’t know, but I do, that each member of the band is very musically talented. When they take the stage, they always bring it, whether it’s in the recording studio or live,” said Giovarelli of his bandmates.

This Pennsylvania-based modern rock band was co-founded by Thomas Giovarelli and Bryn Duffield. Giovarelli writes songs and plays bass, while fellow founder, Duffield is an incredible vocalist, lyricist, musician and songwriter.

Thomas Giovarelli said throughout his lifetime people have doubted him and he always responded by asking “Are you doubting me?!” So, when he and Duffield were looking for the perfect band name, Doubting Thomas was the perfect fit — and their audiences think so too. “We actually have fans that yell as we are playing on stage, “NEVER, NEVER EVER DOUBT THOMAS!” said Giovarelli.

To round out the band, Duffield and Giovarelli found musicians that appreciate music as much as they do. They brought in Mark Yanish on guitar and Jordan “Tuper” Lupini on drums to start the original band. “Mark Yanish is a guitarist like no other. I met Mark five years ago and his love for music is inspiring. He really is a show within himself.” said Giovarelli.

Lupini was one of the original members and his drumming contributed to the “Waste of Time” album. However, in 2022, Tommy Ference joined the band on drums and co-wrote “No Good” and “Who Cares” with Giovarelli. Both songs appear on their upcoming 2023 release.

Doubting Thomas’s new album, “Enemies by Monday” drops in 2023, but you may have already caught their first single, “No Good” on Lazy E’s “Locals Only” show on 97.9X. This new track will have listeners dancing and bopping their heads, and it’s already one of their favorites to perform live. “’No Good’, that just kills it and jumps off the vinyl. When it comes on, it smacks you right in the face,” said Giovarelli.

The second single they’ve released so far, “It’s Just Love,” has a rockin’, romantic vibe that will have you singing along. Dan Kastelnik from Sandlot Heroes did a guest performance for both new songs. With already two great teasers out on the airwaves, Doubting Thomas is pumped for their fans to hear everything they’ve been working on for “Enemies by Monday.”

“The band’s new music is continually evolving,” said Giovarelli. “Bryn and I lock ourselves in my home studio until a song is completed. A reference track is always developed before going into the studio.”

Doubting Thomas works with two recording studios; Soundmine Studio with producer, Daniel Malsch (Tantric, Framing Hanley, Avenged Sevenfold, Ghost), and Hybrid Studio with producer/drummer Kevin Soffera (Drummer for Seether on their platinum-selling “Disclaimer II” album and Breaking Benjamin).

Doubting Thomas has no plans to slow down. They promise new show dates for the Spring to perform the album live. They’re currently in the studio, writing and recording new music for their fans. They aim to take some time off-stage to develop their audio/video production while reaching new fans in new places.

979X Locals Only and The Weekender

Go follow along with Doubting Thomas and keep up to date with the release of “Enemies by Monday.” Listen to their newest singles Sunday, Feb 5, on 97.9 X’s “Locals Only” Show with Lazy E at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.