Name: Ranee Dantone

Age: 33

Ranee is the owner and operator of a meal prep company called SmartFoods The Anti Diet Food.

What does a perfect summer day for you entail?

Laying by the water and relaxing in the sun.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Outgoing, driven and evil

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Flew to Hawaii when my son was 8 weeks old and hiked Diamondhead with him strapped into a baby carrier.

What musician would you bring back from dead?

I was always a big Tupac fan. I’d love for him to still be here. I think it would be so interesting to see his evolution as a person and an artist.

What words of wisdom would you pass onto your childhood self?

To be a “nerd.” The “cool kids” usually grow up and struggle. The “nerds” end up with good jobs and nice houses.

If you could live in a book, movie or TV series, which would it be? Why?

I’m a woman between the age of 18 and 80. “50 Shades of Grey,” obviously.

How would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Teach them yoga.

Ranee Dantone Dantone Amanda Hrycyna | For Weekender

Ranee Dantone Dantone Amanda Hrycyna | For Weekender

Ranee Dantone Dantone Amanda Hrycyna | For Weekender