Moon Tavern hosts the Spoon at the Moon Chili Cook-off & Charity Event on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
                                 <em>Photo Credit — Moon Tavern</em>

Moon Tavern hosts the Spoon at the Moon Chili Cook-off & Charity Event on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Photo Credit — Moon Tavern

DICKSON CITY – Lunar Tides will support Moon Tavern’s annual event Spoon at the Moon, an open Chili Cook-Off competition & Charity Benefit.

This year the event will help raise money for hit & run victim, Rebecca, which as an incident that occurred on Green Ridge Street in Scranton on Dec. 30, 2024.

“The hit & run victim, Rebecca, is one of our bartenders!” says Eric Kropiewnicki, owner of Moon Tavern & Entertainment Complex. “We’re going to do what we can to help her with bills… she’ll be out of work for a long time.”

On Saturday, Feb. 8, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Moon Tavern located inside the Days Inn Hotel on the Scranton Carbondale Hwy in Dickson City hosts Spoon at the Moon, an annual Chili Cook-Off & Charity Benefit. Entries are open to any individual or business that would like to enter their chili for all the fame & glory.

“We try to do a lot for the community,” says Kropiewnicki. He says every year they do an annual cook-off, and every year they pick a beneficiary. This year they partnered with Lunar Tides and turned it into an event to support Rebecca, one of their own!

“Rebecca is in the service industry; her income is tips. So, we’re going to help her get through this hard time,” continued Eric, “It’s a great event every year, but this year it hit’s home a little more!”

All money raised at Moon Tavern for this event will be donated to the cause. Entry is a $5 donation at door that includes a cup, a spoon and one ticket to vote for the People’s Choice award. This event is open to all ages. Donations of all kinds are encouraged and appreciated.

‘Best of’ categories include: Beef, Chicken/Poultry, Anything Goes (combined meats), Vegetarian, Heat & Flavor, Commercial, Best Presentation, and People’s Choice.

While attending there will be live music, basket raffles, Wheel of Chance and 50/50’s. Expect some good, chill jams while taste-testing some good, hot chili! From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Dirty Socks & Friends, a group of talented musicians who have a classic rock vibe and have a lot of fun, will perform. Then at 4 p.m., cool classic duo Travelin’ Lite will take the stage.

The Chili Cook-Off is also seeking chili entries and baskets for the raffle. There is a $25 entry fee for those entering their dish. Judges will taste and submit their selection for awards, which will be held directly following the benefit at approximately 7 p.m., and everyone will vote on the People’s Choice. Every chili contest participant will receive a FREE t-shirt and winners will win a custom “Wanna Spoon” trophy featuring the Moon Tavern’s alien and a $25 Moon Tavern gift certificate.

For more information on entering the contest or making a donation, please call Moon Tavern after 5 p.m. and ask for Eric Kropiewnicki at 570-290-8117 or email