Animation Block Party: The 13th Annual Animation Block Party runs from July 28-31 and is the largest animation festival on the East Coast. Dedicated to showcasing professional, independent and student animation, the festival takes place at Rooftop Films and BAMcinématek in Brooklyn. It kicks off with a free outdoor screening. Many screenings are followed by panel discussions. Weekend passes are $100, but you can purchase tickets for individual screenings. Visit for more information.
38th Annual Thunderbird American Indian Mid-Summer Powwow: Queens County Farm Museum is hosting NYC’s oldest and largest powwow from July 29-31. The weekend includes three days of inter-tribal Native American dance competitions. More than 40 Indian nations are represented. The event is held in the apple orchard on the farm gardens and also features Native American art, crafts, jewelry and food. Admission is $11 per day for adults or $16 for the weekend, children under 12 are $5 a day, $7 for the weekend. Performance times vary. Visit to see the schedule.
Waterfight NYC: From 2 to 5 p.m., July 30, head to the Great Lawn in Central Park for a water fight. Attendees should be over 16 (or have an adult with you) and may bring Super Soakers, basic water guns, squirt guns, spray bottles or water blasters. No water balloons. It’s recommended to bring five or more water bottles, a backpack, bucket to store water, sneakers, goggles and trash bags for cleaning up after. Follow #StayWet on Twitter for more details.
The New York City Poetry Festival: Governors Island is the home for the annual NYC Poetry Festival on July 30-31 (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Over two days, 250 poets will come to the island, representing each of the five boroughs. The event is free, but if you register in advance on Eventbrite and check in when you arrive, you will be entered to win a free tote bag filled with signed books by the festival’s headliners. Food vendors will be on hand. Visit for more information.
A Great Day in Harlem: This family-oriented all day free event will draw thousands to Harlem on July 31. The festival includes a picnic, live entertainment, arts and crafts, food and a fashion show. Events include a Family Technology Pavilion from noon to 5 p.m., a cultural showcase from 1-3 p.m. featuring the Harlem Swing Dance Society and Uptown Dance Academy and International Gospel Showcase from 3-4:30 p.m.. The fashion show goes from 4:30-6 p.m. and the evening ends with an outdoor concert from 6-8:30 p.m. All events are free. Visit for more information.